Friday, 8 April 2016


Well now, that was a longer than expected blog break. I have to admit to spending the end of February and much of March in a kind of fug. I think I managed to catch about three consecutive and different viruses which left me devoid of any energy, so zero running for all of those weeks! Even walking my beloved dogs became a slow short trudge and my eyes would slowly close every time I sat down at my desk to do any study. Grumble.

As well as being smothered by the cold, overwhelmed by the amount of work I still have to do in the diminishing time before my degree finishes, I have also had the weight of the expectations of other people placed upon me. Why is it that those who demand such unreasonable expectations of acquiescence from you barely manage to reciprocate those very same standards? Quite depressing and infuriating.

Now that I have all that off my chest, I am glad to say I am back on top form, yay! I have two runs under my belt this week. Unfortunately, I have gone backwards a few weeks in the couch to 5k plan but reassuringly I don't think it will be too long before I can catch-up and improve. I would love to be able to do a 5k Park Run at the start of summer. In crafty news I have been finding the sockalong hosted by Christine Perry on Facebook very inspiring -just search for Winwick Mum Sockalong and feast your eyes on the amazing selection of gorgeous home-made socks that all these ladies are producing. I have made a start of sorts -after four attempts and two changes of needles  this is how far I have come.

Knitting is tricky, I can't watch TV or read like I do when I crochet but hey there is always a little bit of time to spare for a new craft! I have also just recently found the knitting podcasts on youtube -such fun. Lovin' Little Bobbins Knits and The Grocery Girls.

In other news we have had some lovely family time together over Easter, back to London for a short break too. I found some great thrify treasure which I must try and show you later -the light is very poor here today. Lots of fun and plenty of time for the kids to pose dilemma's for Mum and Dad. E who is now 9 has been asking for a phone and unfortunately I suppose she wants a smart phone. Apparently Every Single One of her classmates has a phone and she feels left out. I don't know what to do, I don't want her to have access to such powerful technology at her age, technology that will also give others access to her. I don't want to spend the money on another phone but the guilt! Imagine being the only kid without one!

I wandered past this painting in the National Gallery:

I don't know what the title is or the artist but it is a Renaissance  painting of The Virgin and Child. Just look at the expression of annoyance on her face! I think it sums up parenting very well. I love you to the ends of the earth but why won't you do as I ask? She also knows that he is going to grow up to be a handful.

Right my dears, that is all for now. Are you all enjoying these first tentative signs of spring? Maybe where you are it is Autumn? It is still quite chilly here in Ireland, damp and wet but I can feel the stirring of life. I will leave you with some beautiful Hawthorne blossom from our walk this morning. Bye. xxx


  1. That's a tough one about the phone. L wasn't allowed one till he started secondary school at 11 but I wouldn't be surprised if kids are getting them much younger now. I dont like it at all. Despite our thinking we'd covered all the bases and blocked anything nasty he still managed to access something that upset him greatly. That was on the home PC but it could as easily have been the phone :-(. Am glad you're feeling better. I have written you a proper letter! :-) xx

    1. Balance is a hard one to achieve in parenting I think CT, we can only do our best or whatever seems best at the time. Oh, I love receiving real letters, thanks! Hope all is well with you and yours. Love to the pups. x

  2. I have seen parents buy smart phones, but after a few months of 'drama' from snapchat / instagram, etc, swap out the smart phone for a 'dumb phone' that makes calls and texts, and thats it!
    I think you are right to be concerned, children have no filter yet, and cause ructions with casual comments via various apps, stuff they wouldn't say to someone face. Stay strong, because whatever you do will no doubt be wrong in E's eyes!
    Well done on the running, just sign up for the park run, get all Nike and just do it! Remember your first timed run WILL be your personal best!

    1. I think it we were to get her a phone, there would be absolutely no social media. I was mainly thinking of online bullying but yes the unfiltered/naive comments they could get involved in is equally serious. Sure, there are lots of adults who haven't gotten the hang of it yet! ;)

  3. So happy that you are feeling better.
    I can not believe parents are buying smartphones for children that young !
    At that age a phone to call home or for help is just what they need.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Thanks Parsnip. There are lots of kids in my son's class -age 7- that have a phone. I couldn't believe it! I think the overall consensus is, she will just have to wait. Hope all is well with you.x

  4. Glad you're feeling better - it's been a long winter with all these bugs! Hopefully you'll stay fit and healthy now, ready to run that 5K! (It's been a long time since my last run: you've done brilliantly!)
    We gave our boys phones once they started senior school but thar was a few years ago now so expectations have probably changed. Nine seems so young, doesn't it? Difficult one to judge.
    Are you nearly there with the degree? So good when there's light at the end of the tunnel..! Xx

    1. Thanks so much Lou! Yes, only two months and 6000 words left until the end, it is kinda scary. Hope all is well with you and yours my dear. x

  5. I thought I'd just pop back to see how you're doing and - most importantly! - to find out whether that degree has finished?! I hope you've all had a great summer, enjoyed the glorious sunshine and done some exciting things.
    All good here: my eldest has just returned to uni and my youngest will leave for uni next week, leaving me bereft! It'll be me and my husband again, just like it was in 1994! I think this could well be the most challenging of months... 😳
    Best wishes for whatever you're up X

    1. Lou-so lovely to hear from you! Yes, I am all finished with a health 2:1 under my belt so I'm over the moon and terribly relieved.
      Your new stage of family life sounds most exciting and yes a little bit daunting! I must get back to writing the blog -I love the connection with people like yourself! Tale care. Chat soon. xx

    2. Well done, my love! Brilliant news! Have you had your graduation ceremony yet? Am delighted for you! Are you revelling in all those hours of freedom? 😊
      Have just been promoted at work and am now a sister (yay! Very pleased) and I studied a module at Christchurch (Canterbury) through the NHS for it: it involved a huge workbook type document which did my head in and I inadvertantly missed out a couple of bits of writing so was told to resubmit - the tutor actually used the word 'fail' in the write up and I felt very put out! Anyway I must get that sorted out but have decided that this is my final piece of studying for nursing - I might just do a wee bit that is of interest to me, like history, but no more nursing stuff.
      So very different here - I am now full-time and the boys will soon be gone...
      Glad all is well with you and yours. If you get back to your blog writing I for one will be pleased X

    3. Thank- you so much Lou. It is so nice to be free -strange but very nice. I will have to try and get a job soon though.
      Big congratulations on your promotion - that is fabulous - I really admire you for combining working, study and family time. Well done you! I would also guess that working for the NHS is not the easiest job at the moment.
      Did I 'see' you pop up on Instagram? I am a little addicted to that app at the moment -trying to get to grips with the photography is hard though. How are you coping with the boys going? xx

  6. well come back glad you recovered dear.take good care and stay positive

    1. Thanks so much Baili, yes positivity is the key. xxx
